Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Port, Chemo Appt

I had a new port implanted yesterday (Wednesday, 9/12/2007). That surgery went well, and I am planning to begin my chemo tomorrow afternoon (Friday, 9/14/2007). I plan to ride with Jerry to Springdale and work at the Schmieding Center in the morning. Then my friend Valerie is going to take me to the Highlands Oncolocy Group at 1:00. Jerry plans to meet us there. The treatment will take about 3 hours, but tomorrow I have to do blood work first and I expect it to take longer this first time.

I will be having a chemo treatment every three weeks for 6 weeks, so that takes me right up to the new year with the chemo. I expect to stay home from work when I feel like I have been hit by a freight train, and work when I feel like I can think clearly enough to contribute. Technically the cancer books don't say I will feel like I've been hit by a train, but some of the feed back from people who have been down that road gives that impression. If it is easier for me I'll be grateful. Whether it is a breeze or quite miserable, I know that I won't be facing it alone. The good Lord and dozens of you friends are travelling with me, and I am comforted by that!

One of the cards my mom sent had these words:
With God behind you and his arms beneath you, you can face whatever lies ahead of you! "Deuteronomy 33:27 Underneath are the everlasting arms."

Thanks for praying!

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