Monday, November 5, 2007

Third Chemo Treatment

I had my third chemo on treatment October 26; the first week after chemo was rather difficult with secondary infections as well as the expected nausea and fatigue. So I am three for three as far as needing antibiotics to fight uninvited infections after chemo. Normally, I like to be around people who are consistent. But I will be very grateful if the next times I miss that part.

I had thrush this time which is a fungal infection. It was similar to the thrush babies get sometimes, but thrush can be very serious for a person on chemo because the immune system is so compromised. Fortunately, I contacted the nurse the first day I noted that my tongue was covered in a white substance and the infection started subsiding before the painful sores on my tongue and esophagus developed. Some people have sores so bad they can hardly stand to eat or drink anything with thrush, but I did not miss a meal and I am grateful for that.

I have written another poem that I'll share with you. It is called "I Praise You" and is a prayer of thanksgiving. Many of you should recognize yourself the third stanza as the ones who prayed, or sent a card, etc. I do thank God for each one of you. Your support helps more than you know.

I Praise You
By: Fink Holloway
November 2, 2007

Lord, I praise You for the pokes
And I praise You for the pain.
I know there is a purpose
And this process helps me gain

Precious time with my family
And with precious people too
As well as a perspective that makes me new.

So I praise You for the pokes
And I praise You for the pain
I know there is a purpose
And this process helps me gain

More appreciation for Your peace
And Your mighty power too.
The comfort of Your presence
Has calmed me through and through.

I praise You for the people
That provide support along the way.
I praise You for the words, the gifts, and cards
That inspire me every day.

I praise You for all my “family” who make time to pray
And for the ones who help in such practical ways.
I praise You for the people who prepare the food
And for those who accompany me to appointments too.
Their presence is so precious and helps my courage to renew.

I praise you for my husband who is a jewel to keep.
He has been so kind and he holds me when I weep.

I praise You for the people that I have just met
Because of this detour that I take without regret.

I praise You because You know the reason for this path that I take
And I praise You because You are wise and You make no mistakes.

I praise You, Lord, for the numerous ways
You help me preserve with pure joy in these difficult days.
I praise You.


Jessica said...

Your poem brought me to tears! I found you through Brittney. We love you so much, Fink!

Shelly said...

Fink, I've been praying for you ever since I heard about the cancer.
Who an I?
I'm Shelly Walling. Shawn's wife. Jeff and Alfreda Kennedy's daughter. Jeff and Shawna Webb's sister-in-law. (I find that no one ever knows me as just Shelly, always someones something) But, I digress.
I love your poems. You have such strength, beauty, and grace! God Bless you! You will continue to be in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Dear Fink,
Thank you so much for sharing your heart. God has kept you in my prayers quite a bit over the past several months. I am praying for a complete and timely recovery...and for His peace, that you will come to know Him so much more and more than we may ever ask or think! And I will pray that He will use your trust and faith in Him to bless and encourage many others (as it has already.)