Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mammogram not normal

The mammogram I had on Tuesday, August 21st, was not normal. It was followed by a biopsy on Wednesday, and on Thursday, I learned that I have breast cancer. It is an Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma; 80% of all breast cancers are that type. I have a MRI this Thursday morning and meet with Dr. Cross later that morning at 11:00 a.m. I have been told he is "the best boob man in NWA"-so I am grateful to have an appointment with him.

Please keep me in your prayers.

I know that many of you have a mom or a friend who is also dealing with this issue. Or you may be facing it yourself, even though breast cancer usually strikes the grandma generation instead of the mommy generation. (I do have two grandchildren now!!)

Feel free to e-mail me so we can support each other. I am adding entries to my prayer journal quite often and would be willing to share my thoughts with others who are in the midst of a similar battle.

Thanks to all of you who will join me in prayer.

Fink Holloway
Schmieding Center for Senior Health and Education
Administrative Assistant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fink, Thank you so much for your courage during this time. It is an inspiration to me and to others. I ask for your prayers for Nancy, my sister-in-law, as she just found out she has breast cancer. She is married to my younger brother, Jerrall, who is diabetic and blind. They have one son who is around 11 years of age. This will be a difficult time for them, as she is the sole provider for the family. She just started a new job and her new insurance was not yet in effect (they have cobra). They are faithful christians, just as you are. After much prayer and tears, I got online to reread some of your blog and to find comfort in your joy.
In Christ,