Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reconstruction Surgery Scheduled

From: Fink Holloway

Some of you who have read all my updates will remember that I struggled over the decision of whether to have reconstruction or not. I was so tired of pain and doctors visits, I wondered: Why would anyone choose to have additional pain and surgeries?

Right now is a good time to remind myself of the reason:
Because the pain is temporary and the outcome is permanent.

Every time I go back to Dr. Atwood's office and get more saline fluid added to my tissue expander I am more uncomfortable. Lately, the right adjective is not "uncomfortable" . At this point I have some pretty serious pain for the first few days after having fluid added. Sleep is difficult. And just about the time the tissues have stretched enough that I can almost function normally, it is time to go back for another fill. Ouch!!!

This challenge has given me more empathy for people who live with pain, as well as more respect for my daughter and others who have oral surgery or wear braces. They know what it is to go into the office feeling okay and walk out hurting. Eventually, the braces come off and leave a beautiful smile, but the process of moving the teeth is quite painful.

Hopefully, I had my last fill October 15, and the surgery is scheduled for December 10. My skin is red and it is really tight. I'll be glad when the tissue expander is removed and I get the implant which is supposed to feel more natural.

There are many situations where there is "pain" before "gain". John 16:21 speaks of it this way:
"A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world."

Speaking of a child being born:
Jerry and I have a new granddaughter!! Joseph and Janelle have a new daughter: Aliyah Elisabeth Holloway was born September 18 in Seneca, South Carolina. We are going to see her at Thanksgiving.

David and Brittney are expecting a new baby in March!!

Thank you for your prayers.