Monday, February 25, 2008

Surgery Results

From: Fink Holloway
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 5:53 PM
Subject: Pure Joy Update February 25, 2008

I am SO grateful for all the prayers, calls, cards, gifts, visitors, flowers, books and meals that have come my way since I had surgery. Your expressions of concern help more than you know.

I had the mastectomy and stage I of reconstruction on February 12th. Both surgeries went very well and I was able to go home February 13. My mother and my sister were here from Colorado and their help was a tremendous blessing. They stayed 10 days, and their emotional and physical support was huge.

My pathology report contained great news and good news. The great news was that the surgery did remove all the cancer that was left in my breast after chemo and there were clear margins. The good news is that 13 of 16 lymph nodes did not have cancer. It would be BAD news if MOST of the lymph nodes had cancer. Only three lymph nodes showed any sign of cancer. It would have been great news if none of the lymph nodes contained cancer. Three positive nodes reveal that the cancer had spread outside the breast. I don’t know what the doctor will recommend. It is likely that radiation or tomoxifen will also be added to my care plan. I don’t see either of my surgeons until the drain tubes are ready to be removed, and that may take a few days.

I still have two drains. Blake drains connect to a soft plastic collection bulb. I empty and measure the fluid they collect three times a day. The drains are designed to reduce swelling and discomfort. The first day Drain 1 collected 120 cc of fluid and Drain 2 had 110. Yesterday my totals were 23 & 54. So it won’t be too long until they can both be removed. In one way I am anxious to get the drains out. I cannot take a shower until they are removed. But even with the drains, I’ve suffered quite a bit from the build up of fluids that did not find its way to the drain easily. I sure don’t want to remove the drains too soon.

As I close I want to say thanks again for your support. Even though this cancer journey may just about be over—it may be that recovery and reconstruction are all that remain--I have days when it is very frustrating. My life is still interrupted. This spring I am missing weddings—one in Colorado and one in Illinois. And I am missing a funeral (Aunt Ethel died yesterday, February 24 and her funeral will be in Denver this Friday). I am not supposed to lift over two pounds, so a suitcase is out of the question! And even when I get the strength to go, I cannot go. I do not have any vacation time at my job. I have missed so many days at work. Life moves on whether I am there or not.

One day, when I wept because I felt cheated out of an opportunity; frustrated by the losses that this cancer continues to cause, I received a funny card. On the outside it said: “Jesus loves you, this I know. I ask the Lord to heal your toe, your head, your kidneys and your spleen, and all the places in between.” Inside it said: “Get well soon, or I’ll make up another silly song.” Even though the incident that prompted the tears was very fresh, I had to laugh out loud. Your e-mails, cards, and calls really do help. Thanks!

I appreciate each one of you!


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